5 Top customer engagement tactics to try in 2018

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Neil Summers, Head of Sales at Moonstone, recently wrote an article for Bizconnect which is of great interest to those keen to explore new avenues to generate business by harnessing IT advances to their benefit.

With increased Internet connectivity comes greater opportunity for online commerce and subsequent client engagement.

Globally, 96% of customers with smartphone Internet access reach for their devices as the first port of call before purchasing products and services. They expect useful, relevant and convenient information access, provided through their chosen channel.

These heightened and evolving consumer expectations also hold true in Africa, where Internet penetration has reached 21.8%, according to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Add wearables such as smartwatches to the mix together with a plethora of connected devices, also known as the Internet-of-Things, digital customer interaction is both increasing daily and becoming even more complex. So, just where are things headed this year?

Click here to read the brief but informative article.