Inseta Network

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A constant refrain in comments from readers is the number of service providers who, in their opinion, jumped on the band wagon to make money out of advisors. Here is an opportunity for you to gain access to a range of benefits at no cost.

Very often, a free service is regarded as being inferior. In our view, this network has the potential of becoming a more than meaningful player in the survival of the industry.

The single biggest plus factor is that fact that it does not purport to have all the answers. By utilising industry experts, and their experience, Inseta avoids the pitfall so many other players have fallen into. There is a vast difference between theory and practice. If you do not have the hands-on exposure, ask those who do.

There are four types of membership:

  • Brokers: Independent small and micro brokers, employing up to 49 employees.
  • Champions: Large and medium sized Brokers who in their individual capacity would like to promote the network
  • Partners: Corporate, Government and public benefit associations, forums, etc who would like to promote the cause of the network
  • Inseta Network Team: INSETA staff and service providers who are employed by INSETA to help manage the network

We, at Moonstone, will certainly discuss ways in which our expertise can be utilised by the Inseta network.

The network has two specific aims:

  • Business Development support
  • Support with compliance (access to information, learning material etc.)

The latter service, as we understand it, will not constitute actual compliance services, but rather keep you abreast of developments through the provision of information.

A crucial element in the success of this endeavour, is participation by brokers. Apathy is often the result of people feeling punch drunk after too many slaps. In this instance, you have absolutely nothing to lose. Not even one cent.

Please click here to download the Inseta network brochure.

Inseta is ideally placed to coordinate this interaction between the various role players, and we wish them well