Can a qualification become invalid?

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Angelique wrote:

In order to be fit and proper we need to have the relevant experience, passed the required FAIS regulatory exam and have a qualification recognised by the FSB.

If the qualification I have (which is on the FSB’s approved list) becomes redundant, what would then happen? Alternatively, what will be the case if a qualification on the approved list is amended?

Our expert in avoiding edu-speak responded as follows:

Any qualification passed by a learner that was approved by SAQA will always stay valid, even if the service provider who provided the training does not offer it any more, or if the qualification in question was expired by SAQA. This qualification cannot change. It can only be replaced by another qualification, regardless of it being a certificate or diploma, but it will also stay valid.

For example: I passed a Higher Educational Diploma in 1993. This diploma is no longer offered by any institution, but I still have the diploma, because I passed it and it is still accepted as a valid qualification.