Fit a tracking device or lose your theft and hijacking cover, vehicle owners told

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Old Mutual Insure and subsidiary Elite Risk Acceptances have told policyholders with “higher-risk vehicles” in six provinces to instal approved early warning/active tracking devices or lose their cover.

These vehicle owners have been given until 15 April this year to fit “a good-quality” tracking device, or they will no longer be insured against theft and hijacking.

The requirement applies to vehicles covered under agricultural, commercial and personal lines in Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Free State, Mpumalanga, and North West.

It does not apply to vehicles in the Western Cape, Eastern Cape, and Northern Cape, or to those in the neighbouring countries of Botswana and Namibia.

By “higher-risk” vehicles, Old Mutual Insure and Elite Risk mean newer and late-model high-end vehicles, particularly bakkies and luxury vehicles. The insurer has reported increased claims for these vehicles, with criminals seemingly able to bypass keyless entry systems.

“From our investigations, it appears that syndicates have found ways to seamlessly access vehicles with keyless entry systems. The theft rate is particularly high in Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, and some of our smaller inland provinces,” said Tarina Vlok, the managing director of Elite Risk.

“Although it seems like traditional tracking devices are becoming less effective, they still assist in mitigating the risk, as they do provide an advantage in the early stages of theft and hijacking,” Vlok said.

“We are living in unprecedented times where vehicle syndicates have learnt how to use sophisticated means of technology to access a vehicle. We remain committed to the safety and security of our customers. It would be amiss of us not to take drastic action in this climate.”

Discounted premiums

Old Mutual Insure and Elite Risk will discount vehicle premiums, if not already discounted, due to the reduced risk.

Vlok said the company was trying to make the process as easy and seamless as possible for policyholders.

“We have partnered with several tracking companies to help clients with high-risk vehicles access tracking and stolen vehicle recovery services,” she said.

However, it remains the customer’s decision as to which tracking device they want to fit from an approved list by the insurer.

“We further encourage all policyholders to have a tracking device fitted, regardless of the type of vehicle. It is also imperative that customers regularly check and ensure that their tracking devices are in working order,” Vlok said.

Anti-theft measures

Vlok said vehicle owners have a responsibility to be proactive in mitigating the increased risk of theft and hijacking.

Owners can do the following to secure their vehicles against theft:

  • Park your vehicle in well-lit, busy areas. Avoid leaving your car in isolated areas or places with poor visibility.
  • Instal an alarm system or immobilizer, which can deter thieves and prevent them from starting the engine.
  • Use a steering wheel lock, which can make it more difficult for thieves to drive away with your vehicle.
  • Consider using a Faraday bag for relay/hacking attacks because this blocks the key signal that certain syndicates use to jam vehicle remotes.
  • Fit more than one tracking device to make it more difficult to steal and easier to recover the vehicle.

7 thoughts on “Fit a tracking device or lose your theft and hijacking cover, vehicle owners told

  1. Hi
    Sadly the tracking device does not help at all. The thief/hijackes know exactly where the devices are inserted and rip it out.
    Tracking device company like netstar and tracker and others should be more smart and also add a air tag.
    We lost a vechile within 2 min and tracked the vechile for a few minutes and the next thing no tracking.
    Security companies and thief and police all work together

  2. Santam has done the same

  3. a few things come to mind, as an Insurance broker with 45 years’ experience:
    – some of the vehicles of the 6 provinces, also visits other provinces???????
    – clients need to go back to the good old days, where we used to stop at a public place, get out of the car, open the bonnet and do something inside the engine bay that renders the car useless electronically wise as the modern thief can only steal a car electronically. a Little bit of trouble, because you have to undo your arrangement after coming back to the car, but hey presto, NO thief can steal your car.

    1. Good idea and advice!! Stole our vehicle with all required safety measures + gearlock + immobilizer under 2 minutes from where it was parked in a secure area! Nothing will stop them – as you wrote – the modern thief knows exactly where the device is installed – I am a insurance adviser for 32 years.

  4. I guess it is time the manufacturers add a password or a PIN to keyless cars. and make it such that after three failed attempts, the car alarm system will go off.

  5. I was wondering at what point , is a vehicle considered as high end, surely they should have a cut off , and a list of vehicles . The insurance companies at least should advise what category and make , this could become a nightmare for a broker.?

  6. ha ha !
    no approved list, just early warning/active tracking device
    over 850 k must have a tracking system

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