SARS ramps up scrutiny as trust and provisional tax filings surge
With more tax returns submitted, SARS is intensifying efforts to ensure full compliance, particularly among trusts, using AI and data-driven enforcement.
With more tax returns submitted, SARS is intensifying efforts to ensure full compliance, particularly among trusts, using AI and data-driven enforcement.
The FST orders the FSCA to reconsider key decisions regarding the Municipal Employees Pension Fund, saying the regulator overstepped its authority.
The Authority has issued a request for up-to-date information on trustees so it can check whether they are compliant.
Investors’ money was allegedly funnelled through offshore trust accounts and ‘cleaned’ via extensive gambling activities by ‘close and related-party enablers’.
The Companies Amendment Bills impose crucial changes to remuneration disclosure and shareholder approval that trustees must integrate into their governance practices.
The Council will provide a CPD-accredited training session for newly appointed healthcare brokers in August.
The FSCA has launched the second and final batch of the 22-module online course for board members of retirement funds.
The induction programme takes place online over two days in February.
The FSCA plans to release the remaining modules in March 2024.
The induction programme takes place online over two days.
Persons who are trustees in their personal capacity only are not accountable institutions.
It may not always be clear when someone has crossed the line into carrying on the business of creating a trust arrangement for a client.
A trustee must attain TKK certification within six months from the date of appointment or election to the board.
What you should know about reporting, calculating penalty interest, the in duplum rule, and the employer’s liability.
The decision highlights numerous irregularities at the Private Security Sector Provident Fund that were not reported to the FSCA.
The decision sets out how PSSPF board members racked up fees for meetings and ignored the fund’s procurement policy.
The offences relate to not recording information about beneficial ownership and service providers that are accountable institutions.