More amendments on the table to get SA off the grey list
One of the amendments will allow Sars to share taxpayer information with a wider range of government agencies.
Discovery Health Medical Scheme’s contribution adjustments will be more evenly distributed across its members, highlighting the widespread effects of increasing medical inflation on contribution rates.
One of the amendments will allow Sars to share taxpayer information with a wider range of government agencies.
Corporate tax experts Yacoob Jaffar and Shaficque Narker unpack some of their observations of the practical implementation challenges.
Organisations representing the retirement industry call attention to the ‘problematic’ provisions in the draft legislation for the two-pot retirement system.
The practical challenges associated with applying the amendment will make it difficult for SA multinationals to qualify for the tax exemption.
The outcome of the case could have far-reaching tax implications for SA companies with offshore operations.
A proposed amendment to the Income Tax Act will require foreign employers to withhold employees’ taxes.
The amendments encompass debt denominated in a foreign currency and the primary residence exclusion.
One amendment will affect inter-fund transfers by members who have reached normal retirement age but who have opted not to retire.
An anomaly in the Act results in the creation of two years of assessment during a single 12-month period when an individual ceases to be a tax resident.
Binding Private Ruling addresses the donations tax and CGT consequences resulting from the beneficiary of a special trust ceding his loan account against the trust to that trust.
Trusts that have failed to comply with the rules are exposed to penalties and fines.
Clarity on when a gain is considered revenue or capital.
Exemption is the last opportunity to rectify the error, National Treasury says.
Grey areas remain when it comes to the rebate for residential solar panels.
Sars publishes a list of the additional information that must be included on the receipt.
And the bounce-back loan-guarantee scheme will be reworked to help small businesses finance renewable energy projects.
How the limitation on setting off assessed losses against taxable income affects life insurers and policyholders.