FSCA clarifies notification of Fica sanctions

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In last week’s Moonstone Monitor, we published an article titled “FSCA publishes notices issued to FSPs for Fica non-compliance”. The article stated that the FSCA had informed subscribers to its communications that it has published the notices of the administrative sanctions imposed on 11 FSPs for non-compliance with the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (Fica).

The article noted that the sanctions were imposed between November 2019 and June 2020.

The FSCA subsequently told Moonstone that it did publish these notices previously, and its notification of 17 August this year was the result of a technical glitch.

The Authority also said it has revamped the “Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism” page on its website to provide FSPs with comprehensive information about Fica compliance. Go to www.fsca.co.za > Regulatory framework > Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism