Enrol in our entry-level qualifications in insurance or financial planning

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If you want to boost your career in financial planning or insurance by obtaining a recognised qualification, then now’s the time to register with Moonstone Business School of Excellence (MBSE).

And not having a matric certificate doesn’t mean you can’t get a post-school qualification, because MBSE caters for those who don’t have a National Senior Certificate with our Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC) qualifications:

  • FETC: Short-term Insurance (NQF 4)
  • FETC: Wealth Management (NQF 4)

You can register for the FETC qualifications at any time during the year. Click here to apply.

Applicants with a Senior Certificate can register for our Higher Certificate qualifications:

  • Higher Certificate in Short-term Insurance (NQF 5)
  • Higher Certificate in Wealth Management (NQF 5)

Applications to study for the Higher Certificates in the second semester of 2023 close on 26 June 2023. Click here to apply.

Why you should choose MBSE

Furthering your education is a major investment of your time and money, so choosing the right education provider is essential. Here’s why you should choose MBSE:

  • Our qualifications are designed to prepare you for the work environment;
  • Our learning materials are relevant and engaging and presented by experienced lecturers;
  • We have a track record of more than 10 years of providing excellent training in insurance and financial planning;
  • We are an accredited higher-education provider.
  • Our qualifications are recognised by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority, which regulates the market conduct of financial services providers in South Africa; and

More about the qualifications

Here’s a brief overview of the above qualifications. For comprehensive information, click here.

The FETC: Short-term Insurance will give you an insight into the short-term insurance sector. It provides a basic understanding of key terms, rules, concepts and principles that will prepare you for the industry.

Once you have completed the qualification, you will be equipped to advise clients on personal or commercial lines products, while conforming to the Fit and Proper Requirements for Financial Services Providers.

The Higher Certificate in Short-term Insurance is ideal for those in the short-term insurance industry who are required to identify a client’s needs through a comprehensive risk analysis. This qualification will enable you to develop a risk management plan that will assist your clients to mitigate, avoid or manage identified insurance risks.

The FETC: Wealth Management will give you an insight into wealth management and wealth creation, enabling intermediaries to understand the wealth management environment, the legislative requirements and product-related information.

The qualification is aimed at students with less than four years’ experience, newcomers to the industry, or those who have lots of experience but who would like to brush up on their product knowledge.

The FETC: Wealth Management is recognised by the FSCA for l:

  • Long-term Category A products (assistance policies including funeral policies), Long-term B1 and B2; and
  • Risk policies and guaranteed investments/savings, recurring policies and annuities other than single-premium annuities.

The Higher Certificate in Wealth Management (HCWM) provides an ideal entry point into the financial services industry in various roles or will enable you to kickstart your career in financial planning.

The HCWM is recognised by the FSCA for all product sub-categories of Category I FSPs, and it can be used to fulfil the Fit and Proper requirements for FAIS roles in Category I FSPs.

Unsure what to study? We can help

If you’re uncertain about which line of study to pursue, contact one of MBSE’s Student Acquisition Administrators for guidance on the most suitable qualification based on your needs. Email help@mbse.ac.za or phone 021 883 8000.