Webinar on your obligations under the Employment Equity Act – at no cost

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Bookings are open for Moonstone Compliance’s second free webinar on the Employment Equity Act (EEA), which will take place on 6 September.

The theme of the second webinar is “Understanding your obligations under the EEA”.

The main objective of this webinar is to provide you with an understanding of the obligations the EEA imposes on a designated employer, or any employer that chooses to report voluntarily on its progress towards equitable representation in its workforce.

The presenter is Andrea de Jongh, Moonstone Compliance’s privacy governance and employment law specialist.

After attending this webinar, you will understand:

  • fair versus unfair discrimination;
  • the obligation to consult, and what the consultation process entails;
  • identifying barriers to equity within your organisation’s policies, procedures, and practices;
  • the purpose of affirmative action, and the process of identifying affirmative action measures;
  • what the duty to inform entails; and
  • the consequences of not complying with the EEA.

For more information, please watch the introductory video: https://vimeo.com/849415998/60183767f9?share=copy

The webinar is open to anyone who would like to join. But employees of organisations who report on employment equity and who serve on a consultative committee for this purpose and managers who are responsible for determining an organisation’s strategy for incorporating the EEA will find the session especially empowering.

The webinar takes place on Wednesday, 6 September, from 10am to 12.30pm on Microsoft Teams.

Registration closes on 4 September.

Click here to register.

The webinar has been approved for 2 CPD hours.

Please send enquiries to events@moonstonecompliance.co.za