Moonstone Investment Indicators also approved for CPD hours

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The new Fit and Proper Determination requires that certain individuals are required to obtain a specified number of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) hours between 1 June 2018 and 31 May 2019.

The FPI has now also recognised Moonstone Investment Indicators as a vehicle towards obtaining (CPD) hours; we received the following response from the professional body:

It is a privilege to inform you that your Moonstone Investment Indicators has been recognised as a recommended source for Continuous Professional Development purposes in the Professional Reading category as defined in the FPI’s CPD policy.

This follows on from the approval of our other newsletter, the Moonstone Monitor, for CPD purposes.

By reading both our newsletters you can now get one CPD hour per week simply by reading your favourite industry newsletters and answering a few questions.

Registration will open on 9 July. The fee for accessing the CPD assessment will be the same as for the Moonstone Monitor.