Reaction to RE Postponement

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We received a number of responses to the special mailing on Friday. Some commentators were angry, others understanding.

Piet skryf: Hi Paul, ek is dankbaar vir van my mede bemarkers, maar dankbaar ek is klaar en deur!

Ronel: Ai, Ai Ai!!! Daar sal natuurlik reuse implikasies wees vir die industrie as daar honderde mense is wat nie betyds slaag nie, maar kan ons asseblief onsself bymekaar skraap en bietjie skouer aan die wiel sit.

Renier: If the purpose of the regulations is to up the industry, why extend the deadline for the second time?

Some commentators missed the point that the extension only applies to those who wrote before 30/6/2012 and did not pass. Those who did not write at all, will not qualify for this extension.

Concern was also expressed about the impact of the extension of the deadline on the industry’s image. Others were worried that people who have not passed the exams yet, are still being allowed to operate.

We speak to many people every day. I can assure readers that the majority of these people have made major efforts to pass the exams. Often, someone will tell us that they have written several times, but just cannot seem to get that final question or three correct in order to pass.

I have no doubt that most of these candidates have the required knowledge – it is proving it in the exam that is the problem.

Research conducted by the FSB indicates that one of the reasons why candidates remain unsuccessful, despite several attempts, might be due to the application of incorrect examination techniques. In order to further assist these candidates, the FSB, in conjunction with other stakeholders, will conduct workshops, the details of which will be communicated shortly.

These workshops will, no doubt, make a difference. I would suggest that it not only focus on exam techniques, but also on correct preparation.

Many unsuccessful candidates did not, for instance, use the qualifying criteria as their point of departure. This is like studying the entire History textbook, while the syllabus only requires you to know certain chapters. For the regulatory exams, you even know which chapters will provide most of the questions.

In our conversations with candidates, we were able to share tips which candidates found very helpful. We published some of those in last week’s Moonstone Monitor, in case you missed it. It is also available on our website. It also contains links to various documents to assist understanding and planning.