Civil society frustrated by corruption-fighting information falling through the cracks
The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse highlights the need for a centralised platform for sharing information to empower South Africa’s criminal justice system.
Discovery Health Medical Scheme’s contribution adjustments will be more evenly distributed across its members, highlighting the widespread effects of increasing medical inflation on contribution rates.
The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse highlights the need for a centralised platform for sharing information to empower South Africa’s criminal justice system.
An Interpretation Note provides clear guidelines on when a practitioner can be prohibited from registering or deregistered due to non-compliance.
The amendments will relieve offshore companies from VAT registration when supplying services to domestic vendors, aligning SA with global best practice.
The draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill addresses a critical anomaly in trust anti-avoidance legislation. By narrowing the transfer pricing exemption, the Bill ensures that only the correct portion of cross-border trust loans escapes double taxation.
This year’s return provides for claiming the residential solar energy tax rebate or a tax deduction in respect of the renewable energy tax incentive.
The departure point in determining whether a company qualifies for the foreign business establishment tax exemption is what it actually does.
The tax fraternity is concerned about the apparent ease with which scamsters can bypass SARS’s security protocols.
The decision could set a precedent for taxpayers seeking relief from interest after reaching a Voluntary Disclosure Programme agreement with SARS.
The Conservative government’s plan to eliminate the non-domicile tax regime could mean higher taxes for expats on foreign income from April 2025.
A cyberattack not only removed his account from his tax practitioner’s profile but also led to an erroneous VAT refund being paid back to SARS.
SARS responds to reports of hackers accessing practitioners’ eFiling profiles, removing clients, and changing banking details.
The ruling makes the Tax Courts more accessible, but there are risks to taking on SARS without a qualified and experienced legal representative.
Taxpayers carrying on trade as an investment holding company should ensure they can demonstrate a high degree of involvement in the operations of the subsidiaries.
SARS’s discretion to write off temporarily an amount of tax debt while a company is subject to business rescue will be reviewed.
The Budget Review suggests that National Treasury does not intend adjusting the tax brackets for at least another two years.
The apparent internal strife has not impacted the organisation’s membership or credibility, says board chairperson Prem Govender.
Not providing tax relief will be a relatively easy way for a cash-strapped National Treasury to collect revenue.