How not to complete your answer sheet

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Candidates can save themselves a lot of despair (and money) by paying attention to a few basic rules when they write the exams.


This week, I saw a copy of an answer sheet, suitably amended so no details of the candidate is shown. He or she had coloured in up to three different answers to one single question. The instructions clearly indicate that you should “Mark the circle of your choice”. There is only one correct answer per question.


Your answer sheet is sent to our marking department under strict security arrangements. Here it is scanned into the system, and marked. The system first checks to ensure that the correct electronic marking sheet is used for your specific exam. To date, we have not yet experienced one problem in this regard at Moonstone.


When the answer sheet is marked, any questions where more than one answer is given, as in the example mentioned above, is automatically marked wrong.


I am convinced that the unfortunate individual concerned did not understand the process, and did not follow the instructions given at the start of the exam. Nerves can do funny things to one’s span of attention.


No doubt, nerves also contributed to the candidate mentioned above, resulting in him/her not reading the questions carefully; another very unfortunate contributor to people not achieving the marks they are capable of.


The Regulatory Exam section on our website contains copies of both the Representative and Key Individual “Bubble” (answer) sheets. It also contains the Terms and conditions, which you are obliged to acknowledge that you read and understood, before being allowed to proceed.


Hierdie dokument is ook in Afrikaans op ons webtuiste beskikbaar, tesame met die Woordelys en die Afrikaanse voorbereidingsgids.


You can give yourself a head start by familiarising yourself with this documentation (and anything else in this section on our website) prior to entering the exam venue. If you start off the experience with a familiar document or two, it is bound to help settle your nerves, and that is already a big plus factor in your favour.