Employees facing retrenchment


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Restructuring in organisations has become a common occurrence and losing the security of an income can be daunting. Those who do not have their financial houses in order; alternate forms or employment; multiple or passive streams of income are especially at risk of financial stress.

Employees facing retrenchment can better prepare and navigate through this challenging time by determining how best to use the resources available, the amount of time they have till they need to replace income and the actions they need to take to secure alternative income.

*Includes a 25-page workbook

What will be learned:

  • How to better deal with the emotions of retrenchment
  • Getting your financial house in order
  • Calculate available income for the short term
  • Manage debt and reduce expenses
  • Identify key actions to navigate retrenchment

Who is this for:

Clients/Employees dealing with or facing retrenchment

Restructuring in organisations has become a common occurrence and losing the security of an income can be daunting. Those who do not have their financial houses in order; alternate forms or employment; multiple or passive streams of income are especially at risk of financial stress.

Employees facing retrenchment can better prepare and navigate through this challenging time by determining how best to use the resources available, the amount of time they have till they need to replace income and the actions they need to take to secure alternative income.

*Includes a 25-page workbook

What will be learned:

  • How to better deal with the emotions of retrenchment
  • Getting your financial house in order
  • Calculate available income for the short term
  • Manage debt and reduce expenses
  • Identify key actions to navigate retrenchment

Who is this for:

Clients/Employees dealing with or facing retrenchment