Honeycomb ‘Pay as you Go’ FIC Search

This customer due diligence service is suitable for SMMEs looking to simplify their FIC vetting process without a due diligence platform subscription.  HoneyComb Search offers tailored searches aligned with Financial Intelligence Center (FIC) requirements. Key features include pay per search, advanced search capabilities, customizable filters, and enhanced efficiency.

Pricing per search is listed on the each of the search types, allowing costs to be tracked and managed. At the end of each session the search total will be deducted from the account credit.

The process:

  • Logon to HoneyComb search
  • Ensure your account has the relevant credit (pay be credit card or EFT)
  • Input client details (name and ID number)
  • Review search results
  • Confirm matches and generate report

Who it’s for:
Any accountable institution SMME including; advisors, FSP’s, banks, motor dealers, estate agents and attorneys

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