Work smarter and harder

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The Afrikaans idiom, “Van uitstel kom afstel” probably rings more true than the English equivalent: “Procrastination is the thief of time” as far as the financial services industry is concerned.

Failing to adapt in time to a changing business environment could cost much more than just lost time.

Big businesses have the means and resources to effect the required changes demanded by regulatory intervention, but how do small and medium size enterprises cope with increasing compliance demands on their production time?

The obvious answer lies in applying technology, but how does one choose between the myriad of offerings available to find the ones that will work for you?

On Tuesday, 28 March, we are conducting a webinar on one product which we believe can make a really meaningful contribution to your business.

The 30 minute webinar, A South African Business Case for Suitebox, will discuss the following topics:

  • Our changing digital world
  • Suitebox features
  • Devices
  • A case for advisors – expanding efficiencies and personal footprint
  • Metrics and ROI

Please visit the Moonstone Events Page to register.