Exams around the corner

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Compliance report workshop for category I FSPs without a compliance officer.

Compliance Reports for these FSPs cover the period 1 January 2011 until 31 December 2011 and need to be submitted ELECTRONICALLY to the FSB before 28 FEBRUARY 2012.

The workshop will be a telematics broadcast to various centres around the country, so there should be a venue close to you.

Why attend?
This workshop will provide you with adequate time in which to finalise your own submission.
You will be provided with a paper copy of the Board Notice and will be able to follow and complete their own submission manually, or if you are able to bring a computer with internet access to the venues, you would be able to complete the document electronically.
You will also be able to send queries through to the studio and I will answer them where I am able to do so.

In addition
There seems to be a lot of confusion amongst FSPs regarding competency requirements; experience, regulatory examinations and qualifications and when is one exempted from having to do one or the other. This topic will also be covered during the telematics broadcast.

Non-moonstone compliance clients – R500 excl. VAT
Moonstone Protector clients – no cost

To register
Go to our Events page,  select your venue and complete the registration form.